
Naktuinbouw Select Plant

If your propagating material complies with higher quality or health standards, it can be considered eligible for certain certificates. In cooperation with the vegetable crop sector, Naktuinbouw has developed several quality-plus systems that enable growers to demonstrate the added value or superior quality of their crops. Naktuinbouw Select Plant is one of these systems.

About the inspection

Under the Naktuinbouw Select Plant system you will be granted certification for tested lots of propagating material that offer extra quality. The Naktuinbouw Select Plant certificate confirms the higher quality level of your products. This can apply to an entire lot, or in other cases to individual plants. There are currently two varieties of vegetable crops that are eligible to apply for Naktuinbouw Select Plant certification.

See the list of registered companies participating in Naktuinbouw Select Plant Asparagus.

First year onion sets
See the list of registered companies participating in Naktuinbouw Select Plant Onion Sets.


The standards and conditions that Naktuinbouw Select Plant participants must comply with are described in the regulations.

Certificeringsreglement Select Plant Asperge
The more stringent standards relate to the quality and health of the propagating material. Laboratory tests are often required to establish if all the criteria have been complied with. When certified material is assessed, particular attention is paid to varietal trueness, varietal purity, origin, health (free of viruses, fungi, bacteria or nematodes) and quality.


You may only trade propagating material or perform tissue culture activities within the framework of the Naktuinbouw Select Plant quality-plus system if your company is a registered participant and if the company meets the standards and conditions stated in the regulations.


The Naktuinbouw board establishes our inspection fees each year. The fees are subsequently approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The costs are charged based on the cost-maker cost-bearer principle. The fees for inspection can be found here Rates/fees.

Application form Elite/Select Plant

* Marked fields are necessary.


Would you like to apply for authorization for your laboratory, or would you like more information about our quality-plus system? Please contact us, e-mail Naktuinbouw