

In organic farming the use of organic propagated plant material is promoted. Growers therefore need to know if there are seeds, plants or trees available for organic farming. There is also the legal requirement to use organic propagating material if sufficient seeds/plants/trees are available.

holding leaves of a plant

About the database

The current supply of organic plant propagating material (seeds and vegetative propagating material) intended for Dutch organic farmers and growers can be found on the website of OrganicXseeds Netherlands (OXS-NL).

Suppliers who offer organic plant propagating material, in-conversion propagating material or propagating material from non-organic propagation that has been grown according to organic rules available for Dutch growers, can register this via the European router database Seeds4organic

For questions about the category classification of (sub)crops, exception/derogation rules and the advice of the expert groups, please contact Bionext.

OrganicXseeds Seeds4organic