
List of names of Woody Plants and List of names of Perennials

wooden board with potatoes

The Lists of names contain the preferred names, synonyms and commercial names of almost 45,000 woody plants and 30,000 perennials.

They are the official names of the commercial range of nursery stock in Europe and largely the United States.

The new editions (2021-2025) of the List of names of Woody Plants and the List of names of Perennials contain more than 17,000 new names.

Most important changes:

  • Addition of more than 17,000 new names (8,200 woody plants and 8,800 perennials)
  • Various taxonomic changes in names after consultation with the horticultural industry
  • The status of protection by Plant Breeders’ Rights has been added to around 4,000 cultivars.

Under the auspices of the ENA and ISU

The List of names of Woody Plants is supervised by the European Nurserystock Association (ENA), and that of Perennials by the Internationale Stauden-Union (ISU). This makes them the international guiding lists in the nursery industry for determining the correct spelling and the preferred names of deciduous trees, conifers, fruit and perennials. The cooperation with these parties ensures a good balance of scientific and legal correctness and practical workability.

cover of both lists of names

Composed by Naktuinbouw

Since 2014, Naktuinbouw registrates the names of arboricultural crops. We work closely with other registering and coding parties, in particular Varb and Floricode. The new names are mainly notified by growers, members of ENA and ISU and via the inspection system of Naktuinbouw.


List of names of Woody Plants
€ 60.00 incl. VAT
List of names of Perennials
€ 50.00 incl. VAT
Digital version of Woody Plants or Perennials
€ 395.00 incl. VAT
Digital version of Woody Plants and Perennials€ 550.00 incl. VAT

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I order the Lists of names?

In the Netherlands the Lists of names can be ordered via Customers in the EU must state their VAT number with the order. 

The Lists of names can also be collected at Naktuinbouw (Sotaweg 22, Roelofarendsveen) or at Plantentuin Esveld (Rijneveld 72, Boskoop). 

Where can I consult the database with the names of woody plants and perennials?

The database containing the names of woody plants and perennials can be consulted at