
American Plant Breeders' Rights - technical testing

To apply for American Plant Breeders' Rights (Certificates of Protection), the applicant must submit a technical report to the Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) in the USA.

About the technical report

The technical report includes the following:

  • Breeding history
  • Distinctness
  • An objective variety description
  • Additional information
  • A declaration of ownership
  • With tuber propagated varieties - verification that a cell culture is available

The PVPO has lists with characteristics that must be described for almost all crops. These characteristics often differ from the characteristics in the UPOV guidelines. Naktuinbouw can provide an objective variety description and a sense of distinction with respect to the best comparator(s) for this purpose. The other parts of the technical report are completed by the applicant. The applicant submits the application to the PVPO.

determining flower colour

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Where can I find the fee of an American Plant Breeders' Rights - technical testing?

The fee of an American Plant Breeders' Rights - technical testing can be found here.

How to request an American Plant Breeders' Rights - technical testing?

A request for American Plant Breeders' Rights - technical testing should be submitted by e-mail.

After receiving the request, the request is usually first briefed with the crop responsible and then feedback is provided.