
Isolates for resistance tests

Naktuinbouw manages the Plantum isolate collection of plant pathogenic organisms for resistance tests in vegetable crops. Also, Naktuinbouw manages its own reference isolates, for example for resistance tests in ornamental crops.

box of reference isolates


The Plantum isolate collection is the result of an agreement between Naktuinbouw and seed companies and is supported by Plantum. The participants pay the costs of maintaining this collection and contribute in kind too.

The participants in the Working Group Plantum isolate collection are BASF, Bayer Crop Science, Bejo Zaden, Enza Zaden, Hazera Seeds, KWS, Rijk Zwaan, Syngenta Seeds and Bakker Brothers. The collection consists of reference isolates of viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. The isolates are used for resistance tests in DUS testing and for third parties. Prior to delivery, a Material Use Agreement (MUA) must be signed with which further distribution of the isolates will be prohibited. Participants can use the isolates in the Plantum isolate collection without payment.

Third parties have limited access to the Plantum isolate collection. A maximum of four isolates per calendar year can be delivered to third parties. Third parties pay per isolate. The fee does not include the costs of shipping.

An MUA must also be signed for reference isolates from Naktuinbouw.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the delivery time for isolates?

The delivery time for most of the isolates is 1-2 weeks. For fresh material of obligate parasites like Bremia lactucae and Peronospora effusa the delivery time may be longer.

How can I receive more information on isolates for resistance tests?

If you would like to receive more information, please send us an e-mail.