
Internal list

Instead of registration on the EU common catalogue, you can have a variety listed on the Internal list of Naktuinbouw. A vegetable variety that is solely intended for marketing to so-called third countries (non-EU member states) does not need to be registered for inclusion in the EU common catalogue.

About the Internal list

The basis for the Internal list can be found in the Keuringsreglement NL, article 14. It follows from this article that all propagation material intended for export must comply with all EU requirements. Companies may deviate from this, provided that the material complies with the requirements of the third country and that it has been reported to Naktuinbouw. 

With the Internal list, Naktuinbouw implements the reporting obligation. In addition, inclusion in the Internal list ensures that the name of the variety is known to Naktuinbouw, thus preventing another company from trying to get this variety or another variety under that name on the EU common catalogue. In those cases we can alert companies to this.

box of reference isolates

Conditions for registration on the Internal list:

  • Seed is only marketed outside the EU. Registration of country or marketing area is no longer mandatory.
  • You can only apply for varieties which are not listed in the EU or in application for listing in the EU.
  • Registration of the correct breeders' reference is mandatory.
  • Inclusion in the Internal Naktuinbouw list is for a period of five years.
  • After five years renewal is possible with another period of five years.
  • The proposed variety denomination complies with the EU regulations for variety denominations as they apply for an application to listing in the EU. If a variety denomination is not acceptable, this variety denomination may still be accepted under conditions to be determined by Naktuinbouw.
  • Vegetable crops which are not subject to (EU) registration will not be included on the Internal list.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Where can I find the fee per application for inclusion in the Internal list?

Variety Testing processes the requests for inclusion in the Internal list. You can find the fee per application here.

How can I have my variety included on the Internal List of Naktuinbouw?

Please use the application form Internal Naktuinbouw list. You should also send a technical questionnaire of the variety (a so-called TQ).