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Adjustment of tests for tomato and pepper seeds for the Australian market

Publicationdate: 16 januari 2024

Naktuinbouw Laboratories recently received a notification from the Australian government that Naktuinbouw's protocols for direct seed testing by real-time RT-PCR for ToBRFV, ToMMV and Pospiviroids have been approved for tomato and pepper.

What does this mean for you?

By recognizing our test protocols, as of January 1th, 2024, a switch will be made from a 50 sub-samples with 400 seeds test to 20 sub-samples with 1,000 seeds. As a result, the efficiency in testing can be increased and the lead time for the customer can be shortened.

Adjustment of tests for tomato and pepper seeds for the Australian market

ToBRFV, ToMMV and Pospiviroids on pepper seeds

  • Sample: 20,000 seeds
  • Rate test: € 2.470
  • Duration test: 4 days

PepMV, ToBRFV, ToMMV and Pospiviroids on tomato seeds

  • Sample: 20,000 seeds
  • Rate test: € 2.670
  • Duration test: 4 days

For basic fees, see price list 2024.

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